Broken is beautiful and I am thankful for my friend and fellow sister in the faith who allows this deep look into her life. It makes it a little bit more real and raw in my opinion as I personally know her. Broken is beautiful when grace sings the melody.

Life is tough, write a blog.


When someone argues against what you believe,

it does not create doubt.

When things happen that seem to contradict what you thought was true,

it does not create doubt.

Doubt exists because of a lack of confidence.

Insecurity is doubt.

It is when you yourself question what you thought you believe, that you realize you have doubts.

If you have read any of my prior blogs you know I write a lot about grace.

My story, which is involved in a lot of what I write, involves a transformation from legalism to freedom.

Following law to freedom in grace.

I was bound to a set of rules I couldn’t follow, and led to freedom by the people who told me I don’t have to follow the rules anymore.

My hope went from my ability to “get better” and “do things right”, to a hope that…

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